Club Receives £500 Grant for new 1st Aid Equipment

Councilor Ron Tindall presented a cheque for £ 500 00 to Harbour Lights SCUBA Diving Club and Matthews Sharks SCUBA Diving Club a few weeks ago after a request for funds to buy a Resusci Anne and other 1st Aid training equipment for the two local SCUBA diving clubs. The other Resusci Anne we had was over twenty years old and had seen better days. We new this, when on our last 1st Aid course her head came off in one of the students hands. Bill Pratt the 1st Aid instructors at the time pronounced Resusci Anne, dead.

 We applied to Ron for £500 grant from the Local Budget Scheme and having money put aside from Bill Pratt’s New Years Day SCUBA dive in his Shorty in one of our local lakes [some people will do anything for money] we were able to buy a Resusci Anne plus a host of other 1st Aid equipment to replace our worn out training aids. 1st Aid is important to us SCUBA divers, as we have a tendency to dive in remote areas. Plus you never know when you will need it, SCUBA diving or not.


Nick Tessier one of our clubs 1st Aid instructor is seen instructing club members on how to perform CPR. As one of the team said there was more huffing and puffing than in a council meeting.

If you have ever fancied learning to SCUBA dive, or had a go while on holiday, if you are a SCUBA diver, and just want to keep your skills up to date no matter who you learnt to SCUBA dive with. Contact Gordon on 07748 176906, email Gordon.